We’ve all seen the images and videos rolling in of the devastation from the Japan earthquake and tsunamis. While aftershocks and tsunami scares are still happening days later, the nation is in for a long long road of recovery. So far, the death toll is estimated to be 2,000. In just one town, 9,500 are missing. Not only do the survivors have to suffer the loss of loved ones, but as temperatures fall, electricity, water and food are now scarce to none. Many have tried to go back to their homes and to start picking up the pieces, only to find the tsunamis have plowed their homes down and there is literally nothing for them to come home to. Convenience stores have lines hours long and a limit of 10 items to each person. The second crisis has only begun and so many are left helpless.
We are not ones to sit and not do something about this. While as much as we’d like to hop on a plane and fly on over there to help with the search and rescue, the immediate need for help for those in Japan is the dire need for shelter. So we at Utterly Engaged have teamed up with the amazing Lydia of Ever Ours and created a fundraising page www.ForJapanWithLove.com that’s specifically geared to help with that. We have handpicked ShelterBox as the organization to donate to.
ShelterBox provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affected by disasters at the time when they need it the most. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.
Please join us. We know it won’t save the nation, but we strongly believe every little helps. Whatever you can contribute, we truly appreciate.
Also, if you are a blogger, please join us in a Day of Silence this coming Friday, March 18th. All this means is no posts on Friday, in memory for the victims of Japan. However, we do ask you post a little announcement the day before, Thursday, March 17th, that you are doing so and to ask your readers to join in donating and link this page on your blog post announcement. If you’re interested in being a part this, please contact info@utterlyengaged.com and / or lydia@ever-ours.com. Thank you and God bless.